Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Infant room
6 weeks - 1 year olds
We provide a safe and nurturing home away from home where babies can grow and learn every day by exploring and making new discoveries. We are committed to making this first transition away from home easy and natural for you and your child as he takes his first steps toward a bright future. Routines are the curriculum for an infant’s day. Every moment in a young child’s day offers opportunities for learning. Your infant will learn age-appropriate social, emotional, physical, and intellectual skills in our care.
- Engaging with others by expressing needs through babbling, gestures, and facial expressions
- Imitating teachers' speech rhythms and inflections
- Interacting with picture books, puppets, and photo cards
- Listening to stories, songs, rhymes, and fingerplays
- Engaging in sensitive, responsive interactions with highly attentive teachers
- Exploring self expression through experiences and play
- Lifting head, rolling from side to side, and crawling
- Practicing standing and walking with direct support from attentive teachers
- Coordinating body movements through music and dance
- Exploring the environment through the five senses
- Engaging with objects of different shapes, sizes, and textures
- Experimenting with concepts of spatial orientation and cause and effect

- Imitating and responding to the words and actions of others
- Identifying and naming familiar items
- Engaging in conversations using pictures, toys and dolls
- Following simple directions and asking questions
- Learning to understand and express emotions appropriately
- Developing strong listening skills through storytelling Interacting with peers in a group setting
- Learning about body parts through songs and rhymes
- Crawling, jumping, running, kicking, and tossing
- Gaining enhanced eye-hand coordination through writing, drawing, and lacing shoes
- Learning and responding to own name
- Identifying and sorting basic colors
- Learning cause and effect through trial and error with musical instruments
1 year - 2 year olds
MVCA's toddler room is a unique transition program that offers the comforts of the infant room but is set up to encourage gross motor play and emerging independence. Children begin to transition from high chairs to sitting at a table for meals and snacks and are given ample opportunity for exploration.
We recognize that children at this age may be at very different stages of development. Some may have just started walking, while others are already exploring the many other facets of their emerging development. Our teachers create fun and rewarding activities that address each child’s developmental needs. Our toddlers also enjoy learning about letters, sounds, and animals with Zoo-Phonics.
We recognize that children at this age may be at very different stages of development. Some may have just started walking, while others are already exploring the many other facets of their emerging development. Our teachers create fun and rewarding activities that address each child’s developmental needs. Our toddlers also enjoy learning about letters, sounds, and animals with Zoo-Phonics.

2s and 3s
Two and three year olds are filled with energy and curiosity about the world and are developing a sense of increasing independence. They are undergoing rapid development in many areas, and are eager for attention to help them learn and understand how the world works.
Routines begin to take a definite form and children are mastering important skills that will enable them to be independent. There are a variety of age appropriate choices throughout the day to address major areas of child development including social and emotional, fine and gross motor skills, cognitive thinking, and language and literacy.
Some of the daily activities include:
Routines begin to take a definite form and children are mastering important skills that will enable them to be independent. There are a variety of age appropriate choices throughout the day to address major areas of child development including social and emotional, fine and gross motor skills, cognitive thinking, and language and literacy.
Some of the daily activities include:
- Bible and Prayer
- Manipulatives
- Art Activities
- Circle Time
- Story Time
- Music and Movement
- Outdoor/Gym/Centers/Free Play
4-year-old Kindergarten
MVCA's Preschool 4-year old kindergarten is for children who have turned four years old by September 1st of the school year. The goal of the 4K program is to open up a whole new world of learning for our students. We provide a safe, caring environment where children can discover, explore and learn about themselves, others, and God. It is a blended program of Christ-centered academics and social development presented in a playful creative manner which focuses on kindergarten readiness. Teachers will build on established routines and knowledge to make sure children are prepared to begin school when leaving the program. Activities are presented to foster logical thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making. The 4K program uses Abeka curriculum.

Daily Schedule
- 7:30 - Morning manipulatives
- 8:15 - Restroom break and wash hands
- 8:30 - Breakfast
- 9:00 - Morning meeting
- 9:15 - Bible
- 9:30 - Phonics
- 10:00 -Language development
- 10:20 - Art
- 10:35 - Manipulatives, stories, and games
- 10:55 - Clean up/restroom
- 11:15 - Playtime on playground/gym
- 12:00 - Lunch OR dismissal for half day students
- 12:45 - Rest time
- 2:00 - Restroom break
- 2:15 - Snack
- 2:30 - Language and math enrichment
- 3:00 - Centers
- 3:30 - Music and movement
- 4:00 - Playtime on playground/gym
- 5:30 - Pick up